Fake Christian Minister - Billy Burke
I've been watching a series of videos about prosperity gospel preachers, every one of them a fake. Then one came up by the name of Billy Burke. It instantly aroused the anger in me. I attended a Black church in Maryland for six nights at the recommendation of a friend because Billy Burke was coming to lead a revival. Burke bragged about his expensive shoes, and held up a foot to let us all see. He said he deserves them. During the final night's service, a basket was passed around for the collection. Burke asked the minister how much was collected. When she told him, he held up his hands and ordered the music to stop. He said the giving was pathetic and ordered the basket to be sent around, again. When that collection was done, again he asked the minister how much was collected. When she told him, he went into a rage and said that he doesn't need the money but we were all robbing God. It was a poor community, and people had planned on what they could afford to give. Burk...
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