Delving into the story about Little Bo Peep

 The poem about Little Bo Peep was written in 1805, and as reported, she was short, not little. That makes sense because it's unlikely a little girl would be tending sheep.

The name 'Bo' intrigues me. I had a friend known as 'Bo' whose name was Robert. It's possible, then, that the person we think of as a little girl, was actually a short male  named Robert.

Little Robert Peep has lost his sheep. That makes more sense but if Bo Peep was actually a short male, why was he posing as a little girl? Could he have been a transgender around the turn of the nineteenth century? Yet it's only well into the twenty-first century that so many are coming out as transgender.

I have, now, decided there will be no more renditions of Little Bo Peep in my home. Anyway, onto the subject of a mouse running up a clock: Was its name really Hickory Dickory Dock? And who would give a mouse such a name?


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