The Foolishness of Karl Marx

I used to think this way before I accepted Jesus Christ. Twain is wrong that he was dead for billions of years before he was born. His thinking is that if he didn't know anything before he was born, he won't know anything after he dies. It's true to say he didn't exist during those years, but he will exist forever after his death. In fact, he now knows how wrong he was, and there is nothing he can do to repent and have a second chance. God creates the human spirit at a time when he decides, and once the human spirit comes into existence it is eternal. The spirit consists of the mind, emotions and will; the flesh is simply a vehicle to contain us while we're on this earth. At the time of death, the body returns to the dust from where it came, but the spirit enters one of two places: Heaven or hell. Hell is worse than anything the human mind can imagine, and there is no respite from the eternal pain and suffering; it goes on forever, as Twain now knows. Jesus C...