I'm reminded of a time I went to court to protest a speeding ticket. I was in a line of traffic 5 mph over the speed limit in Milford, Delaware. The road leading out of the town was a known speed trap. The cops were using a new hand-held radar gun and I was singled out. The cop wrote me up for 45 in a 40, but wrote 55 in the margin. In the court I had to face a tribunal of three lawyers. The head lawyer asked me why I was protesting. I said I don't like lying cops. He then said, "The officer was doing you a favor; he wrote 55 in the margin." I said I was doing 45 in a line of traffic, and that I knew that road was a speed trap. He then said, "I know that officer and he's very fair." I said, "Yes but you wouldn't have gotten a ticket at all because they don't give them to lawyers." The lawyer angrily threw his pen down on the table and snapped: "I'm sorry you have a problem with our system of justice!" I said, "I don...